Pastor David Poland and Family

It amazes me to see God's grace on display in my life. He has blessed me with a wife and kids that stretch me and challenge me to grow. When I look back at where I have come from and look forward in blessed hope to where he is calling me, I am filled with humble excitement. God is now using me to teach others these precious truths, and more. I have finally come to realize that God did not save me just for me to be saved, but rather, I was saved that others may hear the blessed good news of the gospel. I was saved that God may get all the glory.

Dan Dunwell- Elder


I was raised with several siblings in the Catholic faith. At the age of 16, I informed my parents I no longer saw any reason to believe in their God, quit going to church with the rest of the family, and effectively became an agnostic. I graduated high school and attended university for a year before dropping out, working a series of dead-end jobs, and pursuing a life of godless self-gratification. I married a Christian woman over 35 years ago and God in His perfect time blessed our union, drawing me to salvation after nine years together.